5 Helpful Tips for Managing Writing Workshop

Writing workshop is a special time of the day for students to express themselves, explore their creativity, and learn writing skills. Effectively managing writing time is important for them to be successful. I am going to share some tips of what I have noticed help to make writing workshop successful with my 2nd graders.
1. Managing Writing Workshop Behavior
The only behaviors I have during writing workshop is talking. I worked hard in the beginning of the year to set up our writing workshop as a special time where students are devoted and focused, which is shown by them working independently and silently. That being said, my 2nd graders need to talk.
My tip, productive talking time! My students are allowed to meet with their writing partners for a conference any time they want. Now they can only meet 5-10 minutes but usually that gets out their need to talk AND helps progress their writing piece. They are so engaged with what they are working on they usually don’t talk anyway!

Students also meet with me regularly, so it does not feel like 40 minutes of silent writing. I have scheduled small groups or individuals that I met with, but students may also request to meet with me if they need help with something specific.
2. Managing Writing Mood/ Environment
I find it really helpful to play music while my students are learning. Class Dojo focus music is what has worked for my class. I have heard teachers use Disney music played on the piano. Pick something calming to set the mood for your students. I always notice a huge increase in my students’ focus when music is playing!
3. Setting Writing Expectations
I have found many of my students to be self conscious and unconfident in their writing abilities. I think an important part of managing writing time is to not micromanage.
When transitioning to a writing workshop type of set up, I struggled to not continuously teach, monitor, and guide my students in editing their pieces. I see now that giving them the freedom and encouragement to just continue to write and write and write while they build their stamina and practice applying the skills we are learning, they are really successful! At the end of each writing unit, they pick a piece they have been working on to publish and I am always pleasantly surprised when they have naturally grown as writers through this process.
I walk around while students are writing in between my conferences and check in on them, but they really excel being able to self- manage and work at their own pace.
4. Managing Writing Progress
An important aspect of teaching and managing writing skills progress in my students is to track it! I make a spreadsheet for every unit that has the individual skills we will work on each day. As I walk around to check in on students and meet with them in conferences, I check off once I notice that a student has shown mastery of that skill.

For example, this picture shows our individual skills for our non-fiction writing. As I meet with students to check in on the skill they are working on, I mark their progress on the spreadsheet. I manage writing conferences by seeing who needs help with what specific skills to ensure I am providing them support in that area. Consistently tracking students abilities helps me to effectively provide direct instruction to meet their needs.
Last, but certainly not least- students need to build writing stamina!! They cannot write for 40 minutes silently the first week of school. I start with 10 minutes and then increase by 5 minute every few days as they show they are able to handle it. Trust me, they will be able to do it! I have so many students who I have to drag to the rug for our closure at the end of 40 minutes because they have more to write.
Learn more about my writing workshop set up:
- Overview of writing workshop
- Managing Writing Celerbations
- Partner Conferences in Writing