How to Adapt for The Perfect Morning Meeting Activity

There are so many amazing options when you go to choose a morning meeting activity. How do you pick?! So, I have morning meeting preplanned for the whole year, but we know sometimes even the most well intentioned lesson plans need to be adapted for our students! I am going to help you navigate this with 14 FREE ACTIVITIES by category below!!
Usually before we begin morning meeting, we have a little time with our class and can get a read on their mood for that day. My students come in, unpack, and eat breakfast during the morning announcements before we are able to start our morning meeting. This gives me time to see if something is different and I need to adapt morning meeting to accommodate that.
Your morning meeting activity should reflect your class’s social emotional learning needs, their personality and the mood that day. If your students are really energetic coming in after a snow day off, then a calming low stakes morning meeting activity might be best. In order to make these changes, it is helpful to think about the morning meeting activity categories. Let me explain them!
Morning Meeting Activity Categories
As I list each morning meeting activity category I will explain some implications that you should consider that could effect your students comfort or be an issue depending on your specific class!
- charades– acting something out in front of the class
- passing object around the circle
- passing words around the circle– all students must talk (something to consider if someone is having a hard day)
- partner game– most of these students are eliminated
- center of attention– one student is the focus while calling on others
- chanting
- throwing a ball/ object
- touching– tapping, holding hands
- class working together– all participating
- switching spots around the circle
- running– I try to play these outside when possible
- spaced out around room– consider your room set up
- eliminated– whole class game where each student is individually out until a winner is found
- sharing something about yourself
Click the picture to download the FREE guide that has a morning meeting activity for each category with a total of 14 FREE ACTIVITIES!

I am very oriented to planning my morning meetings by social emotional skills but realistically there may be a day that my students do need to practice respect but a game spread out across the room isn’t the best idea when we are collecting for the canned food drive. You know, life happens and we need to make adjustments!
I really hope that this freebie helps you to pick the best morning meeting activity for your students to start their day on the right note!
Check out Morning Meeting Greetings by category here!