Morning Meeting Cards 5 Incredible Organization Tricks
I always get asked about my morning meeting cards organization, so I am sharing all my tips with you today!
The morning meeting cards I have are for greetings, sharing, and activities for year round fun. I also have seasonally themed greetings, sharing, and activities by month! This is hundreds of amazing morning meeting ideas, but the key to being able to use them is organization.
Click the picture to download the FREE labels! Keep reading for my morning meeting cards tips and tricks!

Tips & Tricks for Card Organization
1 The greeting and sharing morning meeting cards fit perfectly and look beautiful in this case! This is a quick easy way to be able to pull out the box for each month to plan, keep it on your desk for reference, and refer to as you need.
2 The year- round activity morning meeting cards work well on a binder ring. They are a half page so they do not fit in the gorgeous case unfortunately! I like to keep these on a ring hanging on my board because later in the year I let my students pick the activity.
3 Keep the seasonally themed morning meeting activity cards in a binder with page protectors! I use file dividers to separate the various months and this works so well to be able to easily flip through the pages to reference or plan. Also you don’t have to cut them! 🙂 Sometimes I will put a post it note for the days of the week on the activity I am doing each day to easily look at before I explained it to the class.
4 LABEL EVERYTHING!! No matter how you want to store your morning meeting cards label the container or have the label as a cover sheet for the card set. This will really help you find the morning meeting ideas for each month!
To help you get started organizing, I made some free labels!!
5 If you use my digital morning meeting greetings, sharing or activities. Keep them organized in folders and sub folders! I suggest starting with a Morning Meeting Folder then within that folder have sub folders for Year Round and each month to easy accessibility. You can even color code the folders to help you find them!
Want to see more of my organization? I show you all of this in a video! Click below to watch it!
What’s next?
So now that you have answers for your morning meeting cards organization and are ready for a new school year of morning meetings with your class, now what? Have you thought about your morning meeting routines yet?
If you are ready to start planning your first week of school morning meetings, I shared my favorite back to school morning meeting greetings and activities.
Feel overwhelmed? I got you! I have the whole year planned for you! Start with the 4 weeks of September Morning Meetings and see what you think!
Please let me know what else I can do to help you with your morning meeting planning or facilitation! I am more than happy to chat with you to make sure your morning meeting meets you and your students’ needs!
(Affiliate links were used in the blog post.)