Morning Meeting Sub Plans Made Easy
You need morning meeting sub plans in your life. Let me tell you why. Your head is pounding, stomach gurgling, and you finally lay down after sending in your whole day of detailed sub plans to have morning meeting flash across your mind- what will your kids do when the calming beginning of the day is led by a stranger who doesn’t know that Timmy can’t sit next to Salim and that Hunter needs to start the sharing on Mondays?

BE PREPARED with morning meeting sub plans so you can rest easy and not have to worry. Let me tell you how to do this easily and more importantly in advanced. You can either grab your FREE morning meeting sub template first, then keep reading, or read everything and then grab your freebie!
Important Parts of a Morning Meeting Sub Plans
- prewritten rules and routines
- explain each aspect of morning meeting (greeting, sharing, activity, and message or whichever you do in your room)
- give a brief overview of what it looks like in your room- don’t assume that the sub doing your morning meeting has even seen a morning meeting done before
- explain if it is their job or facilitate or what exactly the kids will expect of them
- detail the kids roles and expectations like who picks who starts the greeting? If kids can ask questions in sharing who calls on them?
- basic options for each of the morning meeting parts
- Is there a greeting you know that your students are always calm for? Use that one as your morning meeting sub greeting.
- We all know that some morning meetings take longer than others, I like to go with the assumption that morning meeting without me should be planned as a short one incase it takes the class longer to complete with a sub.
The little details that you have worked so hard to teach your students so that morning meeting runs smoothly that needs to be put into cheat sheet form to help the sub be successful but more importantly help your students feel calm and safe in their morning meeting.
Have Your Morning Meeting Sub Plans & Your Year Long Plan Done in Minutes
I can’t completely write out your sub plans for you because I do not know your specific kids, but I CAN get you started with your free template AND preplanned morning meetings for the entire year.

When you use these preplanned morning meetings, the directions for each part of the meeting can be posted on the board for the sub to read with your students. Also depending on the time of the year, your students may recognize the slide and remember when you did it with them.
Customizing your Morning Meeting slides for your sub plan:
- create a new powerpoint or Google slide file
- copy and paste the slides you want to include from the preplanned files to make a full morning meeting
- save as “morning meeting sub plan”
- write in your sub plans where they can find this file!
- rest easy 🙂

Go download the freebie and write those morning meeting sub plans so you can take that much deserved day off!