Babies Eating at 10 Months

Peanut’s eating habits changed and evolved so much over this month! He went through a variety of phases with what he wanted to eat and just seemed like such a big boy at meal time! His portions continued to increase throughout the month! Peanut dropped to 3 bottles in the middle of the month and that lead to a big increase in snacks between meals. This also increased his desire to drink water throughout the day.
More Baby Food Posts:
What Finger Foods He Eats Now
Fruits & Veggies
- strawberries
- bananas
- mangoes
- avocados
- apples
- pears
- bananas
- carrots
- butternut squash
- acorn squash
- cucumbers
- bell peppers
- zucchini
- asparagas
- string beans
- cauliflower
- broccoli
- lettuce
- spinach
- raspberries
- cherry tomatoes
- pineapple
- blueberries
- watermelon
- corn
- grapefruit
- raspberries
Proteins & Snacks
- hard boiled eggs
- waffles
- whole wheat toast
- peanut butter
- ground turkey
- chicken
- hummus
- fish
- salmon
- yogurt
- cottage cheese
- black beans
- chick peas
- whole wheat pancakes
- puffs (snack in between meal)
- yogi drops (snack in between meal)
I bolded his absolute FAVORITE foods right now. I italized new food that we added in this month. During this month we started to phase out giving Peanut purées with his meals. We mainly would give purees in response to Peanut not wanting to eat enough of his finger food. Keep in mind he is also having bottles every 6 hours during the day (3 total).
What a Typical Meal Looks Like

Breakfast Example:
- 2-3 strawberries depending on the size
- half of a pear
- 4 – 5 grapes
- whole wheat blueberry banana pancake
- puree: yogurt

Lunch Example:
- egg and cheese omelette
- 1/2 of an avocado
- 3- 4 cherry tomatoes
- cottage cheese with puree (if still hungry)

Dinner Example:
- 1/4 cup of chicken breast
- roasted carrots
- brown rice
- oatmeal with peanut butter (if still hungry)
Eating Developments
Peanut seemed to get really comfortable with eating during this month. He is very routine oriented and hit his stride with how to navigate a plate full of food. He eats what he wants first and leaves what he does not want (he rarely ever doesn’t finish the whole plate!) Throughout the month as he dropped a bottle and the purées I would sometimes cut up extra food and offer him more if he finished his entire plate. He also discovered the food he dropped in his food bib catcher and would dig in there for more to eat!
He went through a phase this month for about two weeks where he didn’t want to eat any types of bread (sandwiches, waffles, pancakes, or toast). That went away and he is back to loving those things! Peanut is very aware of what I am doing while he is eating so I try to eat my meals at the same time as him or at least have something in my meal that is the same as his. He smiles so big seeing us eat the same thing as him!
This month he also learned to say ALL DONE and do the sign language to show it at the end of his meal! That was really exciting!!
This was the first month that I really felt comfortable giving Peanut (with little to no modifications) the meals that we were eating! It was fun, but scary! Read here about the recipes I make for our whole family and how I adapt them for Peanut!
Eating Tools We Love to Use
- Silicone Plate – fits perfectly on high chair and sticks really to high chair
- Cookie Monster Shaped Silicone Plate
- Water Cup
- Dinosaur Food Bibs
- Pacifier Feeder
- Silicone Bibs
- Infant Spoons (we used these 5 – 9 months)
- Spoons (used 9 months on)
- Silicone Self Feeding Spoon & Fork (introduced at 10 months)
Meal Ideas
Below are pictures of Peanut’s meals from when he was 10 months. When I was starting to give him finger food I just kept looking online for how much food to give him, how to cook it, what ways to cut it, etc. I WAS SO NERVOUS! All I wanted was pictures of what someone else is feeding their baby so I could get some ideas! So hopefully seeing Peanut’s meals will help you!
NOTE: I am NOT an expert and do not want to tell you what or how to feed your baby. Consult your pediatrician with any questions or concerns about your baby’s diet. This is what worked for Peanut and our family, you do what works for you!
Also, I am not a food blogger sorry if the plates are not picture perfect! My grandmother had a saying, “The eyes eat too” so I always try to make the plate appealing for Peanut to dive into, but they are no where near beautiful haha *the meals use a lot of the same food over and over for a couple reasons- First, Peanut loves certain foods why not give them to him! Second, this month was during the COVID-19 pandemic so our food options were limited.

baby meals, finger food, baby eating, 10 months

My husband makes a breakfast we call “Hole in Toast” he cuts out a hole in a piece of bread cracks an egg in it, and cooks it on the griddle- YUM!

My husband makes a breakfast we call “Hole in Toast” he cuts out a hole in a piece of bread cracks an egg in it, and cooks it on the griddle- YUM!

zucchini & tomato macaroni salad, chick peas, and avocado

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