How to Have a Spook-tacular Halloween Morning Meeting

Let’s spice things up with some Halloween morning meeting special additions! There are a few different avenues you can take to make your morning meeting festive- silly, spooky, or supernatural! I am going to share with you some of my students’ (and my) favorite Halloween morning meeting modifications!
Click the picture above for your FREE morning meeting slides download!
Make sure that whenever planning anything related to Halloween in your classroom you ensure that you know the cultural beliefs of all of your students and their families in regards the holiday. There are so many aspects to Halloween activities and you want to make sure that you are choosing to include parts that your students are comfortable with into your morning meetings.
FREE Halloween Morning Meeting
I will explain a little about each of the parts of the FREE Morning Meeting, but download the file for digital slides with the directions. It also includes modified versions for social distancing in the classroom and virtual learning!
Halloween Greeting
Spooky Voice
Students will greet each other by saying, “Good morning _______” in a spooky voice.
Would you rather be a pumpkin growing in a pumpkin patch or a lead floating off of a tree?
Pumpkin, Ghost, Frankenstien
This modified version of rock, paper, scissors will be a hit in your classroom, socially distanced, or virtually!
More Halloween Fun
In my store I have SO many options for you to continue your spook-tacular morning meetings with special greetings, sharing prompts, and activities!
There is even the whole month of October pre-planned with 20 Fall/ Halloween Morning Meetings ready to use!