Morning Meeting For Kids Planned All Year- Incredible & Easy!
Morning Meeting for kids is an incredible opportunity for students to grow socially, emotionally, and academically. Generating morning meeting plans and ideas for the entire year will help you make sure that your morning meetings are intentional and meaningful.

When you are planning a morning meeting it is important to think about your purpose. What you want your students to get out of it? Morning Meeting for kids is a special time where they get to have fun and show their personality.
Why plan morning meeting for kids for the whole year?
- As a teacher you are constantly pulled in a million directions, this is something that you can plan ahead on to take the daily decision making off your mind. The more familiar you get with you students and morning meeting, the easier it will be for you to wing it and decide on your greetings and activities on the spot but you will see that those meetings are not as engaging or effective.
- When you plan it day to day, you tend to think of the same few greetings and activities. Planning your meetings out allows you to see how often you repeat. This allows you to make sure that your students do not get bored.
- It ensures that morning meeting is a fun stress free time for you and the kids! You aren’t frazzled scrambling last minute to figure out what to do for a greeting or activity.
Tips for Planning Ahead
- When you are long term planning over several months make sure to consider the comfort and familiarity of your students. Interactions where students need to take risks should be later in the year when they have stronger relationships built with each other.
- Plan greetings or activities to reoccur twice a month at most.
- Write it all out knowing you will change things around depending on your specific students
- Make seasonal changes to details or phrases to keep meetings engaging and fresh.
- Think about questions for sharing in regards to what information students would be willing to reveal at what point in the year.
- Try to plan morning meetings focused on one social emotional skill. This makes it easier if you need to work on that to just switch days around.
Grab my FREE planning template here to start planning your morning meeting for kids ideas!
Resources to help you plan:
If all of this sounds overwhelming, I did it for you! I have 40 weeks of preplanned morning meeting for kids! The meetings are all on digital slides. You can move things around and adjust if you need to fit your students’ needs. Each week focuses on a specific social emotional skill.