Nap Time Hussle

One of the things that hit me the hardest as a new mom was how to manage my time. Doing anything besides playing with, feeding, holding, or changing the baby felt impossible. Peanut napped a lot in the beginning but I don’t exactly know what I did during those nap times… they went by in a blink and I got nothing I needed to do done. I was probably eating, resting for a little, and watching TV like the Bachelorette (Hannah’s season was on right when Peanut was born!) Everyday tasks like showering, making dinner, walking the dog, and doing laundry felt really hard to accomplish. I made a decision that I had to figure out my to do list of priorities that need to get done that day and do them immediately when Peanut goes down for his FIRST nap.

I am super productive during the first nap for a few reasons:

  1. I still have energy in the morning
  2. It could be his only nap of the day
  3. It alleviates my stress by making me feel somewhat together and accomplished

Things I Do During 1st Nap

  • get dressed – I am someone who loves to stay in my pajamas, but the simple switch to yoga pants from pajama pants makes me feel good!
  • prepare for dinner that night- this could be deciding what to make, taking something out of the freezer, cutting/ prepping veggies (anything to make it easier incase I have to cook while Peanut is awake)
  • put in Peanut’s laundry
  • any dishes or cleaning I want to get done that day

I still follow this plan months later because you never know where your day will lead. You need to get things done when you can! I do try to get up before Peanut now to shower, get dressed, and have my coffee.

So make your priority list for what you need to do and get it done! You can do it!