Spring Picture Books for Literacy Activities
I love when I get to break out the spring picture books every year! It means that we made it through the cold winter and it is time to enjoy the beautiful outdoors!
My students always love reading about current seasons in our lessons. Literacy activities and reading lessons can be formed from any book. Read more about how I use picture books to teach shared reading here.

I want to share some of my favorite spring picture books to use and a summarizing freebie! below!
When searching for spring picture books, look for these key elements to inspire that spring fever:
- bunnies
- flowers
- worms
- vegetable gardens
- wind and rain
- birds chirping
Do you like to read seasonal picture books as a fun read aloud without a skill attached or do you incorporate them into your reading comprehension lessons?
I like to play in the middle of these two ideas. Sometimes I read a silly or short spring book for fun, but then discuss the elements of summary as we talk about the book.
Spring Picture Book Suggestions
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