Woof-tastic Kids Picture Books About Dogs
Whether you are looking for kids picture books about dogs because
- You’re giving a book buddy gift of a dog toy with a book
- You’re gifting a book to a dog lover
- You’re teaching a lesson or doing an activity about dog
- You like dog yourself and want to share the joy
- You are teaching about the letter D or O vowel sounds and you want to dive into dogs as an example
- You are looking for a birthday book for a dog themed party
you’re in the right place!
The list of dog books shared below are stories that my kids have loved reading together over and over!

Making reading with a child more interactive
You are ready to snuggle up with a perfect picture books about dogs, now what? Here are some ideas how to make the special reading experience more meaningful!
- Ask them to point to things on the page depending on age that could be something purple or what the character is eating for breakfast
- Ask them to identify the setting (where they are) and what clues they see in the pictures to tell that- for example “I see there is a refrigerator and a sink so I can tell they are in the kitchen”
- React together when the character feels something- clap for good things, say aw oh no for sad things
- Ask them what they think will happen next (making predictions)
- Make up voices for the different characters together voices really help to engage students in the story and helps to differentiate when a character is talking
- Ask questions after reading
- Did you like the story?
- What was your favorite part?
- Would you want to be friends with the character?
- How did the character feel at the end?
- Have we seen anything like this before on our adventures?
- Do you want to read this again?
- Give them a stuffed animal of a character in the book to hold, hug, and act out what is happening in the story as you read

Picture Books About Dogs
The Babies and Doggies Book
This was both of my kids FAVORITE book. I buy this for everyone I know who has a baby! The real photographs of cute babies and adorable puppies paired with fun rhymes, it is perfection.
National Geographic Kids Look & Learn Dogs
Another book with photographs is sure to attract any little one! This one has facts for the earliest dog lovers to start to learn about their furry friends.
Love Is My Favorite Thing
Plum is a sweet, enthusiastic dog who seems to always get into trouble! Luckily, she is surrounded by love and love can forgive any accidents and mistakes! This silly story is fun to read over and over.
Where’s Spot?
This lift the flap book is the perfect introduction to the Spot series that your little one is sure to love for years to come!
I Love Dogs
Rhyme after rhyme will make you laugh, smile, and enjoy reading about all the shapes, sizes, and types of wonderful dogs!
P is for Puppy
This touch and feel book will bring the sweet pups in the photographs to life!
Puddle Pug
Percy the Puddle Pug loves puddles! An adventure of clever rhymes will take you through Percy’s journey of finding the perfect puddle. What happens though when Percy’s perfect puddle if full of pigs who don’t want to share with him? The ending is touching and heartwarming!
If You Give A Dog A Donut
A cute variations on If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, follow the dog as he keeps wanting more and more things as a result of eating a donut! This silly book will be a storytime favorite.
Doggies- A Counting & Barking Book
Count and bark along with dogs of all shapes and sizes!
Babies Love Puppies
Lift the flaps to see what each cute and cuddly puppy does on their adventures!
Snuggle Puppy
This story is a song about how much you love your snuggle puppy! My kids love singing along as we read together!
Carl’s Birthday
This wordless picture book is a true treasure! Follow a baby and her dog as they try to figure out the secret party their mom is setting up for. Surprise! It is Carl’s birthday!
Reading Picture Books About Dogs With No Words
Wordless picture books are incredible, powerful texts to share with young children. These books are usually STUFFED with detailed illustrations that little kids (and big kids) love to dive into.
Good Dog Carl is a wordless picture book series that follows the adventures of a dog and a baby. It is just adorable! There are so many details and ideas that children enjoy “reading” it over and over.
Now are you thinking, how do you read a book when it doesn’t have words? I am here to help!
Wordless picture books are not just board books there are complex stories for older kids told through pictures too!
For babies/ toddlers not yet talking…
On each page say, “I see…” and point to objects and characters.
Say, “I can tell…” to describe what is happening.
Think out loud, “I wonder…”
You can point their fingers to things or ask them to point.
For communicating toddlers/ older kids
Ask them “Who do you see on this page?”
“What is happening?”
“Where are they?”
“Why do you think the character is doing that?”
“What are they going to do next?”
Guide them in soaking in all of the picture details to tell the story aloud themselves. Do it together! Give the characters names, add in your own details, and have fun with it.
When kids enjoy reading with an adult at a young age, they will enjoy reading independently as they get older.
Check out Carl’s series and pair one of the books with a dog snuggler as a present for the dog lover in your life!!
Why pair up a stuffed animal with a book? THE BEST GIFT!
- Brings the story to life
- Kids get to hold a 3D version of the character they are looking at in the picture and listening to a story about, it brings a personal connection to what is happening in the text
- Gives child something to hold or play with do with their hands while reading, the younger the child the shorter the attention span to listen to a story so having an associated toy to keep their little hands busy will encourage them to sit and listen to the story
- Can extend the character into imaginary play, it allows that character to go everywhere with them like to the park, to a tea party, or even to snuggle together in bed.
Looking for books on other topics? Check out these amazing reads!
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